Bạn muốn tải ebook CONFIDENCE (HBR EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE SERIES) PDF EPUB PRC AZW miễn phí đọc trên điện thoại – máy tính, ứng dụng đọc file epub, prc reader, azw reader của tác giả Harvard Business Review Press cho đồng nghiệp, hãy tham khảo các ebooks trên website chúng tôi. Chi tiết bài review confidence (hbr emotional intelligence series), các bạn xem dưới đây:


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Cuốn sách CONFIDENCE (HBR EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE SERIES) ebook epub prc của tác giả: Harvard Business Review Press, nhà xuất bản: Harvard Business Review Press, do công ty Ingram Academic Services phát hành có giá ưu đãi nhất ₫419.400, đã được bán ra với hơn lượt, đi kèm lượt đánh giá, nhận xét về đầu sách. Dưới đây là phần review chi tiết ebook:



Đơn vị phát hành: Ingram Academic Service Nhà xuất bản: Harvard Business Review Press Năm xuất bản: 2019 Kích thước: 127 x 178 x 17.7 Số trang: 144 Hình thức: Bìa Mềm Become more confident at work. You need confidence to inspire trust, communicate effectively, and succeed in your organization. But self-doubt and nerves can undermine your ability to act decisively and persuade others. What can you do to push past these insecurities? This book explains how you can use emotional intelligence to become more confident at work. You’ll learn how to correct what is holding you back, how to overcome imposter syndrome, and when feeling too self-assured can actually backfire. This volume includes the work of: Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic Rosabeth Moss Kanter Amy Jen Su Peter Bregman How to be human at work. The HBR Emotional Intelligence Series features smart, essential reading on the human side of professional life from the pages of Harvard Business Review. Each book in the series offers proven research showing how our emotions impact our work lives, practical advice for managing difficult people and situations, and inspiring essays on what it means to tend to our emotional well-being at work. Uplifting and practical, these books describe the social skills that are critical for ambitious professionals to master.

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